Lab Equipment Depot offers a variety of coupons,
promotions,Bulk Discounts and coupons to boost your savings.
Bulk Discounts
At Lab Equipment Depot, we value your loyalty and aim to provide you with the best shopping experience. Our bulk discount offers allow you to enjoy significant savings when purchasing items in larger quantities. The more units you purchase, the higher the discount you'll receive on each item.
Bulk discounts are available for the products marked with the special icon
Our pricing structure is clearly displayed on the product pages. If the bulk discount is applicable, you will find detailed information about the discount you will get when purchasing a particular quantity of the item. To qualify for the discount, please ensure you meet the minimum quantity requirement for each item.
You'll see the discounted price per unit in your cart. As you adjust the quantity of qualifying items in your shopping cart, the discount and price for the item will automatically adjust to reflect the changes.
Coupon Codes
We offer promo and coupon codes that remain valid throughout
the year as well as limited-time
offers. Lab Equipment Depot also offers coupons on our social media pages, with
exclusive coupon codes available to our subscribers only.
You may always contact us to request a quote to get an exclusive
Lab Equipment Depot follows several simple rules listed below when
accepting coupon codes:
- The item you purchase must match the promo or coupon code
description(brand, size, quantity, color, et cetera);
- The coupon codes may be applied to particular brands only;
- The promotion code must be valid at the time of the purchase;
- Sales Tax, Shipping, and Handling charges may be applied to your
- Lab Equipment Depot codes are limited in use - one code per customer, unless
specified otherwise;
- Limited-time offers are valid until 11:59 p.m. EST on the day they expire, unless specified
Lab Equipment Depot reserves the right at any time and
without prior notice to remove or disable any coupon at its discretion.
List of throughout year coupons:
On Your First $50+ Purchase Of Any Products
copy code: LOVELAB
Use the coupon Code LOVELAB
in Your shopping cart to get $5.00 OFF
on Your First $50+ Purchase Of Any Products
On Your First $50+ Purchase Of Scales & Balances
copy code: SCALE5OFF
Use the coupon Code SCALE5OFF
in Your shopping cart to get $5.00 OFF
On Your First $50+ Purchase Of Measuring & Layout Tools at
On Your First $50+ Purchase Of Microscopes & Magnifiers
copy code: MICRO5OFF
Use the coupon Code MICRO5OFF
in Your shopping cart to get $5.00 OFF
on Your First $50+ Purchase Of HVAC/R Equipment & Fans at
On Your First $50+ Purchase Of Mixing & Separating Equipment
copy code: MIX5OFF
Use the coupon Code MIX5OFF
in Your shopping cart to get $5.00 OFF
On Your First $50+ Purchase Of Education & Teaching Supplies at
On Your First $50+ Purchase Of Glassware & Plasticware
copy code: GLASS5OFF
Use the coupon Code GLASS5OFF
in Your shopping cart to get $5.00 OFF
On Your First $50+ Purchase Of Networking & Wiring Products at
On Your First $50+ Purchase Of Heating & Cooling Equipment
copy code: HEAT5OFF
Use the coupon Code HEAT5OFF
in Your shopping cart to get $5.00 OFF
On Your First $50+ Purchase Of Safety Products
* In order to use the coupon and promo codes you need to login to your
Lab Equipment Depot account. If you do not have an account you may create your account here.
Limited time offers are listed in our Promotions Tab
Please note that only one discount option can be applied to your order, such as a coupon code, promo, or bulk discount.
For example, if the items you wish to purchase qualify for both bulk discounts and coupon code usage, you will need to decide which option is best for you. Once you've made your choice, the alternative option will be automatically canceled.
Any changes made to your сart afterwards will retain the selected discount option, unless you remove items eligible for a bulk discount or delete the coupon code, depending on your initial choice.
If you add items eligible for bulk discount or reapply the coupon code, you will need to select the preferred discount option again.
Please note that coupon codes can not be applied for the following brands:
AND Weighing, Dermlite, Dwyer, Extech, Fowler, Hardin, LW Measurements, Mettler, PolyScience, Radwag, Scientific Industries, SPI, Testo, Torbal, Welch.